Welcome to the Official Website of
Elk County, Kansas
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Drone picture taken by Aaron Spinks
Elk County Courthouse
127 N. Pine Howard, KS 67349
(620) 374-2490
Toll Free 877-504-2490
Open: Mon - Thurs Hours: 7:00am to 5:30pm
Treasurer Hours: 7:00am to 5:00pm
District Court Open: Mon - Fri 8:00am to 4:30pm
The Appraiser's Office will be closed 8:30 to Noon, periodically from April through August while out in the field.
The Public can call the appraiser office and leave a message during those times.
Driver’s License IS by appointment only. Please contact the Treasurer’s office at 620-374-2256, to make an appointment.
You may still make payments online, by mail, over the phone, or via dropbox which is located inside the foyer of the handicapped entrance on the west side of the building.
Thank You!
Elk County Commissioners Establish Land Bank
In order to manage and dispose of distressed and derelict properties, Elk County Commissioners have established the Elk County Land Bank. The Land Bank was established by Resolution 21-11 in accordance with K.S.A. 19-26, 104. The Board of Commissioners will serve as the Board of Trustees of the Land Bank.
The goal of the Land Bank is to help eliminate dilapidated properties and provide development opportunities. Several other Kansas counties and cities have created land banks, under state legislation passed in 1996 and 2009.
The Elk County Land Bank can acquire properties that have been abandoned or foreclosed upon, or through donation or purchase. The Land Bank would then facilitate the redevelopment and/or disposal of the properties. The Land Bank may also refuse to accept properties.
As an example, someone may have inherited a property that they don’t care to occupy or maintain, and that may have limited market value due to its condition. There may also be delinquent taxes on the property. That party could donate the property to the Land Bank. The Land Bank could in turn deed the property to another party, with provisions that the property be cleaned up and improved within a specified amount of time. Thus, the property would be returned to productive use and benefit the neighborhood and the county at large.
Proposals may be presented in writing or in person at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.
Contact the office of the Elk County Clerk at 620-374-2490 for meeting times.
Elk County, located in Southeast Kansas, is known for its awesome natural scenery, wildlife, unique attractions, nationally renowned hunting, great schools & family values. Hard working farmers & ranchers contribute to many areas of agribusiness, and the five communities of Elk Falls, Grenola, Howard, Longton and Moline offer a wide variety of attractions. The oldest swinging bridge in Kansas, museums full of past treasures, friendly local businesses and a massive wind energy project owned by Enel Green Power are only the beginning of the adventures to be found here. We are also home to the world class Flint Oak Hunting Club. Elk is a diverse county that is rich in history, some of which can be read about here.
Since 1875 the county seat has been located in Howard. According to the 2010 U.S. Census the population of Elk County was 2,882. With quality schools, this small rural county is known as a wonderful, safe place to live and raise a family. Take a break from the fast-paced lifestyle. Come see what we have to offer.
Elk County Wiki-stats foundhere. Official Kansas website click here.
Current weather and forecast from Weather Channel*
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2025 Holiday Closure Schedule
County offices will be closed on the following dates, with the exception of
EMS & Sheriff services. The County Attorney's Office has adopted the State of Kansas Official Holiday Calendar. Emergency Management has a combined calendar. Please check their page for dates.
Date |
Courthouse |
EMS/Sheriff |
Mon, Jan. 20 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
Mon, Feb. 17 |
President's Day |
President's Day |
Mon, May 26 |
Memorial Day |
Memorial Day |
Thurs, July 3 |
Independence Day Observance |
Fri, July 4 | Independence Day | |
Mon, Sept. 1 |
Labor Day |
Labor Day |
Mon, Oct. 13 |
Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day |
Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day |
Tues, Nov. 11 |
Veterans Day |
Veterans Day |
Wed, Nov. 26 |
Thanksgiving-Close at Noon |
1/2 day before Thanksgiving |
Thurs, Nov. 27 |
Thanksgiving |
Thanksgiving |
Wed, Dec. 24 |
Christmas Eve |
Christmas Eve |
Thurs, Dec. 25 |
Christmas Day |
Christmas Day |
Wed, Dec. 31 |
Closed to Public for End of Year Balancing |
Thurs, Jan. 1, 2026 |
New Year’s Day |
New Year’s Day |
Illegal Dumping
Did you know that placing your trash on someone else’s property without permission is littering? The Kansas statute for Criminal Littering, (K.S.A. 21-3722), states:
Criminal littering is intentionally or recklessly depositing or causing to be deposited any object or substance into, upon or about: (1) Any public street, highway, alley, road, right-of-way, park or other public place... (2) Any private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property.
Please remember that ILLEGAL DUMPING is a misdemeanor and is punishable by law.
Employment Opportunities: Click here
Kansas State Extension Service & Natural Resources Conservation Service
Pay Taxes here
2025 Election Information
Annual Household & E-Waste Collection Flyer
Elk County Veterans will oversee Memorial Wall
Click here to learn more